Measuring Up

Remember the old Scout mess kit?  There are a lot of better options these days, but one thing I liked about that kit was that the cup was exactly 1 cup and had marks at 1/2 cup, 1/4 cup, etc.  If you wanted to make up a batch of Bisquick, there was always a measuring cup handy, because each Scout had one.

Those days are gone, but I still wanted to have a measuring cup for camp cooking.  I found that the cup that comes with my laundry detergent is exactly 1/2 cup.

I used my home measuring cup to fill it to 1/3 cup and make a mark with a Sharpie.  Then I filled it to 1/4 cup and made another mark.  I used an engraver to make marks for 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 cup.  If you don't have an engraver, you should get one.  They are essential for marking all your camping gear and valuables.

I used vinegar to get the detergent taste and smell out of the cup.  Tide has changed its cup a little since I made mine, so you may have to modify these instructions a bit, or keep your eyes peeled for a different suitable cup.  


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