Stretch and Reach Box

You will need one of these for rank requirements and for the Personal Fitness merit badge.  You could just tape a ruler to a cardboard box, but this is a more permanent solution. 

Cut List
12' x 12 " x 3/4" plywood (2)
12" x 10.5" x 3/4" plywood (2)
12" x 21" x 3/4" plywood (1)
2x4's ripped to 1.5" x 1.5" x 12" (4)

Other Materials
aluminum yardstick
1.25" x 18g finish nails or wood screws
clear polyurethane
3 small screws

table saw
pneumatic nailer
cordless drill / driver
drill bit
hack saw or dremel tool w/ cutoff wheel
orbital sander or sanding block
foam brush

I used finish grade plywood for this, but you could use any kind you like.  You could even use OSB, but if you go that route, I would use full size 2x4's instead of ripping them down to 1.5" so the box will have a little more weight to it.  Also, use screws or crown staples with OSB as finish nails don't hold well.

Glue and nail (or screw) your box together so that the 12" wide pieces are on the sides and the 10.5" pieces are at the front and back. 

Sand it and finish with 2 or more coats of clear polyurethane.

I got the yardstick from Harbor freight for $2.99.  I cut it off at 21" with the dremel tool and neatened it up with a file.  The screws were left over from some miniblinds I installed in my garage.  I drilled holes at the 1", 10.5" and 20" marks on the yardstick and screwed in on centered.  The front end of the box should line up with the 9" mark on the yardstick.

Top view.

Side view.

Bottom view.


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