Whip It Good!

We just got back from Fall Camporee and the theme was pioneering. Our troop built an hour glass tower, a gateway, a tall flag pole, and several camp gadgets. I was the one who cut all the ropes to length and whipped them. Hundreds of whippings. I tried different styles, and got to see what worked and what didn't. For larger rope (3/8" +), the sailmaker's whipping with waxed sail thread is the way to go. It looks neat, and the knot is buried inside the rope where it won't come untied. This whipping is hard to do on smaller 1/4" rope. It's hard to keep the 3 strands neatly separated on small diameter rope. Here is a sailmaker's whipping on a 1/2" Manila rope. Note the piece of yellow heat shrink tubing, indicating that this is a 50' length. I tried the West country whipping, which is easy to tie and also looks neat. The problem was the square knot on the end came untied with minimal use. Then there is the...